
Woman with senior dog on her lap
Young woman kissing dog on head.
Dog looking directly into camera
Heartfelt moment between woman and her senior dog.
Young couple sitting in a green field loving on their two rescue dogs.
Black and white photo of Staffordshire Terrier looking into camera.
Photo session with Golden Retriever in Atlanta, GA
Black and white dog photo of older Great Dane in field.
Dog photo of older Great Dane in field.
Black and white photo of dog sitting nicely on walkway.
Family with rescue bully breed dogs photographed in Atlanta.
Rescue pit bull photographed in Atlanta.
Atlanta Dog Photography session with German Shorthaired Pointer
Senior dog photo session looking at owner in park in Atlanta.


Besides capturing your dog’s unique traits, I also strive to seize the affectionate and strong bond you have developed with your loyal companion. Don’t wait until your pup is too old or too sick to capture these moments.